Box 32b - Other ID#

  • Updated

Box Number

Box 32b is used to indicate the non-NPI number of the service facility as assigned by the payer for the facility. Enter the 2-digit qualifier followed by the ID number. The following qualifiers can be used:

  • 0B - State License Number 
  • G2 - Provider Commercial Number 
  • LU - Location Number 


In AveaOffice

This field can be altered using a Claim Form Rule, click here for instructions on how to create the rule. Let's review how to update the non-NPI number of the service facility. 

  1. Navigate to the Practice Admin > Facilities.
  2. Select the Facility you wish to update.
  3. In the Facility profile, select the Pencil icon.
  4. Under Blue Shield Provider Number, input the ID.
  5. Select Save to complete the process.


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