This report is only available for organizations with the Patient Billing module.
The Combined A/R Detail report offers a comprehensive view of an organization's Accounts Receivables. It provides detailed information at the individual claim and service level, enabling users to see the balance of open receivables. This report breaks down receivables by charges, payments, adjustments, and patient responsibility, making it easier for users to understand the receivables' status.
Generating the Report
Let's review how to generate the Combine A/R Detail report!
- Navigate to the Reporting section.
- Under Accounting Reports, select Combined A/R Detail Report.
- Update the filters to instruct the system on how to generate the report.
- Select Run Report.
- To download the report into a .csv excel document, select Download.
- To include any change occurring within the last 24 hours, select Refresh Data.
Available Filters and Definitions
- The Selected Practices filter allows users to generate the report based on the practice that claims were submitted under.
- The Age Basis Date filter enables users to customize the report by either using the Submitted Date or the Date of Service. By default, the Age Basis Date is set to the Submitted Date, but it can be updated to the Date of Service in the dropdown.
- The Claim Type filter enables a user to filter the results by displaying billables that are Insurance Only or Private Pay Only.
- The Claim State filter enables users to filter the report based on the current state of each claim.
- Any: This is the default claim state setting. When Any is selected, the report will include any claims with balances.
- Closed: Selecting Closed will generate the report with only closed receivables.
Open: Selecting Open will generate the report with only open receivables.
- The Report Date filter enables a user to include balance activity up to a specified date. Select Refresh Data to include activity within the last 24 hours.
Reviewing the Report
The Combined A/R Detail report produces a table with where each row represents an individual service line based on report date and age-basis date selected. For an example of this report, click here.
Calculations and Definitions (Report Output)
Row Name | Definition/Calculation |
Patient | Patient Name |
Patient ID | Patient ID |
DOS Start | First Date of Service on Claim |
DOS End | Last Date of Service on Claim |
Service | The Service Name |
Payer | Payer Name |
Claim ID | Avea generated Claim ID e.g. AV-EXAMPLE-C1234567 |
Units | Number of Units for each service on the claim |
Charges | The claim charges for a specific service that went to insurance or the charges for a private pay billable |
Expected Allowed Amount | Payer Rate multiplied by units
Insurance Paid | The amount(s) the insurance company paid on the claim |
Insurance Adjusted | The total insurance adjustments for the claim, excluding PR and 100 adjustments (see Patient Responsibility Column) |
Deductible | The deductible amount as entered on the insurance payment |
Co-insurance | The co-insurance amount as entered on the insurance payment |
Co-pay | The co-pay amount as entered on the claim |
Patient Responsibility | Sum of PR and 100 adjustments for the claim |
Patient Paid | The amount the patient paid that is applied to the claim |
Patient Balance | (Insurance Charges - [Insurance Paid, Insurance Adjusted, Patient Paid]) + [Deductible, Co-insurance, Co-pay, Patient Responsibility]) |
Practice Name | The practice at which the patient was admitted for the claim |
Facility Name | The facility within the practice at which the patient was admitted for the claim |
Helpful Hints
- Create a template for this report using the Date of Service as the Age Basis and the Balance for the Amount Type.
- This report can be used concurrently with the Summary version to combine the aging buckets and get a comprehensive understanding A/R aging.
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