Upload Files and Notes

You can upload files to Avea. Files are either associated with a particular patient's treatment episode or with the Organization as a whole. Commonly uploaded patient documents include treatment notes, letters of authorization, and paper EOBs. Commonly updated organization documents include payer contracts, w-9s, and reports.

Patient Documents

Patient documents should be uploaded to the specific Treatment Episode that they apply to. These are often treatment documentation, letters of authorization, and other pertinent information. 

  1. Open the Patient and click on the Treatment Episode tab.
  2. Open the desired Treatment Episode.mceclip0.png
  3. Click on the Notes and Records tab.mceclip1.png
  4. To add a Note, click Create Treatment Episode Note.mceclip2.png
  5. Use the Type drop-down to select the note type: Billing, Clinical, or Status.mceclip3.png
  6. Enter the Text of the note. The note will be visible to all users with access to view the patient regardless of type.
  7. Click Create.
  8. The note can be edited or deleted.mceclip4.png
  9. To add a file, open the Files tab and click Add Treatment Episode File.mceclip5.png
  10. Drag and drop the file into the Payer File box or click the Upload button to select from your computer files.
  11. Name the file.
  12. Select the file type: Document, Medical Record, Authorization Letter, or Payer Letter of Request.
  13. Depending on the file type, you may need to complete additional fields like associating a payer or UR plan.
  14. Add an optional description, then click Upload.
  15. You can download, view, edit, or delete the file. mceclip8.png

Upload Payer, Practice, or Organization Documents

The Records Center allows you to house important billing documents not related to a specific patient like payer contracts, enrollments, and reports. 

  1. Navigate to Records Center > Documents.mceclip9.png
  2. Decide whether the file belongs in Payer Documents, Practice Documents, or Organization Documents, and click on the appropriate tab.
  3. Click Add File.                                                                                                                  
  4. Make the appropriate selections. The options will vary depending on which tab the file is uploaded to.
  5. Click Create to upload.
  6. Once uploaded, files can be downloaded, viewed, edited, or deleted.mceclip11.png

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