March 2024 Release Notes

  • Updated

Kipu RCM/AveaOffice March 2024 Release Highlights 

Uncover the latest advancements designed to optimize your billing and collection processes. We're eager to demonstrate how these updates can enhance your efficiency and financial performance.

Payment Posting Enhancement 

The updated insurance payment dialog now lets you select a practice once for all postings, with an "All" option for checks covering multiple practices—simplifying the process. 

SCA Added to Payments 

In the payment posting process, users can now see the Expected Amount, reflecting the SCA (Single Case Agreement) or contracted rates, right within the payment creation dialogue for each claim. 

Bulk Download Claim EDI 

Users can bulk download individual claim EDI files from the batch screen, rather than downloading the entire batch—great for individual claims to county payers. 

Shape the Future by Beta Testing 

We’re actively recruiting for several beta tester programs! If you’re interested in shaping the future by becoming a beta tester, please go here, and under the Beta tab, vote/comment on the card to indicate you’d like to participate. 

  • Payer Rates [Beta]: Simplify managing payer rates with a unified table, allowing for effortless rate edits and updates. This beta, closing at the end of April, brings bulk editing, advanced filtering, and sorting to your fingertips. 
  • Claim Edits [Beta]: Gain the ability to edit claim fields before submission, ensuring faster processing and greater accuracy for unique cases. Hurry, beta recruitment ends at March's close. 
  • Attendance [Beta]: Starting in April, experience a new attendance view that increases patient visibility, offers comprehensive calendar options, and introduces new functions for a more tailored management experience.
  • Utilization Planning Enhancements [Beta]: Launching April 8th, this update consolidates authorization planning, extends follow-up functionalities, and provides more information for smoother authorization calls

What's next?  

  • We’re working on enhanced patient payments in partnership with a Waystar Patientco integration, offering automation in collections, diverse payment avenues, and features like automated postings, digital statements, a payment portal, self-service payment plans, automated voice response, and a digital mailroom. 
  • Soon, users can bulk download individual claim EDI files from the batch screen, rather than downloading the entire batch. This update is particularly helpful for users submitting individual claims to county payers. 
  • Also, check out the replay of our live March 19 webinar where we peeked at the roadmap ahead. 

198.4 - February 29th, 2024


  • Management Center Dashboard: Some clients were experiencing issues with the Claims Follow-Up Over Due tile. This has since been resolved. 

200.1 - March 27th, 2024


  • Utilization Plans: Users can now create Utilization Plans for Secondary and Tertiary Payers!

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