Box 69 - Admitting Diagnosis Code

  • Updated

Box Description

Box 69 shows the ICD-10-CM diagnosis code to its highest level of specificity for services rendered that describes the diagnosis of the patient at the time of admission.


In AveaOffice

Each service is required to have a corresponding diagnosis code(s) upon admit date.  When a new patient is entered into AveaOffice, the steps to add or update the admit diagnosis code is as follows:

  1. Navigate to the patient's Intake via the Patients tab on the Main Menu, located on the left Navigation Menu, and click on the patient name from the list. You can also locate the patient using Search.
  2. In the Profile tab, click on the Intake link.
  3. Click on the Behavioral Service Diagnosis tab, and click on the ICD10 'Set' button.
  4. Find or enter the diagnosis code, toggle the Present on Admission button to Yes, and click on the Set Code button.Screen_Shot_2021-05-10_at_4.30.26_PM.png
  5. You can also search field or click on the plus sign next to the closest range of other diagnosis codes within the same letter code-set.Screen_Shot_2021-05-10_at_12.54.55_PM.png


EDI Loop

Loop 2300, Segment HI

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