Box 5 - Federal Tax ID

  • Updated

Box Definition

Box 5 on the UB-04 claim form is where the provider's Federal Tax ID is displayed.

In AveaOffice

Let's review how to change the Federal Tax ID on the UB-04 claim form.

  1. Navigate to Practice Admin > Configuration > Insurance Billing
  2. To update the Tax ID on some submitted claims, select Create Scheduled Change Set.
  3. Within the Scheduled Change Set window, select the Effective Date before updating the Tax ID.
  4. When the appropriate fields have been updated, scroll to the bottom of the window and select the Save button.
  5. To update the Tax Id on all Submitted Claims, select the Pencil icon located next to the Baseline.
  6. Within the Edit window, update the Tax ID before scrolling to the bottom of the window and select the Save button.
  7. Note: If a claim has multiple dates of service, any change sets that impact some dates of service will result in a split claim upon creation or correction.

EDI Loop/Segment

Loop 2010AA, Segment NM109

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