Patient Statement Configuration

  • Updated

Keeping Patient Statement information accurate and as up-to-date as possible is a vital step in the Patient Collection process of the revenue cycle. Let's review how to keep that information current as well as the User Permissions it requires. 

Patient Statement Configuration

The configuration settings for Patient Statements live within the Organization Admin. For Managing Organizations with multiple Organizations, this allows you to customize the statement for each Organization.

Pay-To Information and Timeframes

  1. To update the Pay-To information or Timeframes, navigate to Organization Admin > Configuration > Patient Billing.
  2. To update some Patient Statements, first create a Create Scheduled Change Set.
  3. To update all Patient Statements, locate and select the Pencil icon next to the Baseline.
  4. Update any of the statement fields before scrolling down to select Save

Field Definitions

Field Name Definition 
Can Generate Patient Billables from Closed Claims When toggled-on, this allows the system to automatically generate a Patient Billable upon the closing of the Insurance Claim. 
Number of Days to Archive After Statement Generation This field instructs the system how many days a statement should remain active before being archived. 
Days Until Statements is Due This field is used to generate the due date on Patient Statements. 
Days to Follow-Up after the First Statement is Generated This field is used to automatically assign a follow-up date upon generation. 
Pay-To Address Fields These fields display the Pay-To information where a check can be mailed.
Private Billing fields These fields display available contact methods for the facility in addition to a Pay-To address.
Past Due Message This field will display a custom message at the bottom of a statement whenever a new statement is regenerated passed the initial due date.

Column Defaults

  1. To update the Default columns included in a statement, navigate to the Organization Admin > Configuration > Statement Template.
  2. Select the Edit button.
  3. Set the column defaults by toggling the available columns on or off.
  4. After your selections have been made, select Save to update the default columns.

Column Definitions

Column Name Definition  Where to Edit
Dates of Service This column includes all Dates of Service rendered to the patient.  This field can only be edited by Voiding or Correcting the Patient Billables. 
Service This column displays the name of the Service that was rendered. Practice Admin > Services > Service. 
Units This column displays the number of times the service was rendered in each day.  This field can only be edited by Voiding or Correcting the Patient Billables. 
CPT Code This column displays the Procedure code (when applicable) used to bill the insurance company.  Practice Admin > Services > Service > Service Billing Profile. 
Facility Charges This column displays the charges from the source of the Patient Billable.  Practice Admin > Services > Facilities > Facility Services.
Deductible/Co-ins/Co-pay This column displays any Deductible, the Co-Insurance, and Co-Pay included in the Insurance Payment. Payment Collection > Payment Details > ICN number > Edit Payment Details. 
Insurance Paid This column displays the total amount paid to the Provider directly. This would be Allowed - Patient Responsibility = Insurance Paid.  Payment Collection > Payment Details > ICN number > Edit Payment Details. 
Insurance Adjustments This column displays the total amount adjusted from the payment using CO or OA+ >100 adjustment codes Payment Collection > Payment Details > ICN number > Edit Payment Details.
Paid to Patient This column displays any of the insurance benefit paid to the patient directly using the adjustment code of OA+<100. Payment Collection > Payment Details > ICN number > Edit Payment Details. 
Not Covered This column displays the charges not covered by the payer using the PR adjustment code.  Payment Collection > Payment Details > ICN number > Edit Payment Details. 
Provider Adjustments This column displays any amount that was adjusted off by the Provider as well as the reason why.  Patient > Patient Billing > Patient Billables.
You Paid This column displays any payments made by the Patient. Patient > Patient Billing > Payments. 
Your Balance This column displays any Patient Billables with Open Balances - any payments made by the Patient.  Patient > Patient Billing > Patient Billables.

User Permissions

Managing Organization Users and Organization Users require additional permissions to use the Patient Billing module. Admin-level profiles can use Patient Billing features without additional permissions. 

To learn how to update User Permissions, click here

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