A/R Classifications

  • Updated

A/R classifications tagged to a patient's treatment episode indicate the entity responsible for balances and is a useful indicator to have available for financial reporting. Each account is pre-built with three standard types of A/R classifications and can be expanded to include custom tags for your account. 

A/R Classification Types

The following A/R Classifications are built into the system by default.

A/R Classification Definition Requirements
Insurance An Insurance classification indicates all balances associated with the treatment episode will be collected solely from the subscriber's insurance payer.  A treatment episode created or updated with this classification will require a completed insurance set for the patient's intake before any billing can take place.
Mixed Insurance / Private Pay A Mixed Insurance / Private Pay classification indicates all balances associated with the treatment episode will be collected either from the subscriber's insurance payer or a private individual (patient or guarantor).  A treatment episode created or updated with this classification will require a completed insurance set for the patient's intake before any billing can take place.
Private Pay A Private Pay classification indicates all balances associated with the treatment episode will be collected solely from a private individual, either the patient or a guarantor.  No insurance set is required for this classification type. 

How to Customize A/R Classifications

Admins at the Managing Organization or Organization level can add custom A/R classifications to an Organization's account in AveaOffice.

For example, if balance responsibility for a patient's treatment episode is covered by a scholarship, Admins can create a Scholarship classification. AveaOffice's standard classifications cannot be modified. 

Add or Deactivate a Custom Classification

  1. Navigate to Organization Admin and open the Configuration tab.
  2. Open the A/R Classifications tab and click on the Create A/R Classification button to create a new classification.
  3. Enter the Name of the classification in the open field and click Create.

Custom classifications can be deactivated by clicking on the Edit link on the classification line. This will prevent further use of the classification but will maintain the tag on any treatment episodes that were already tagged with it.

Assigning & Updating A/R Classification in Treatment Episodes

A/R Classification selection is first required when a patient's admitting treatment episode is created and can later be updated under the Intake section of the treatment episode. 

For detailed steps on how to create a Treatment Episode, see the Treatment Episodes article. 

Update A/R Classification

To update the A/R Classification for an existing treatment episode, follow the steps below:

  1. Search for the patient or open their profile from the Patients page.
  2. Click on the Intake quick link.
  3. In the Admit/Discharge tab, click Edit.
  4. Select a new A/R Classification from the drop-down list.
  5. Click Save. 

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