Best Practices for Configuration

  • Updated

This page guides Billing Managers & Team Leads on how to best set up your RCM configuration for your organization’s unique needs. Through workflow customization and best practices on championing these within your team, your organization will reap the benefits of a well-organized RCM workflow.


Billing Managers and Billing Team Leads share the same responsibilities of creating, implementing, and managing the Queues, Statuses, and Issues (QSI) for an Organization's billing team. Both roles are responsible for making sure Billing Collection and Payment Posting team members adhere to the QSI process created.

Process Overview

QSI's provide a unique workflow that billers can easily adopt to keep claim follow-up organized and provide their organization with insight into the key issue. Your Implementation Specialist will pre-configure your managing organization with Queues, Statuses, and common Issue Types. However, it is recommended that clients review the lists to determine if any are missing from their organization's standard workflow and continue to add/remove/modify customized QSI's as needed.

QSI Customization

Let's review where to create custom QSIs!

  • Navigate to the Managing Org Admin > Configuration > Claim Queue Types > Create Claim Queue Type.

  • Navigate to the Managing Org Admin > Configuration > Claim Statuses > Create Claim Status Type.
  • Navigate to the Managing Org Admin > Configuration > Claim Issue Sources > Create Claim Issue Source.
  • Navigate to the Managing Org Admin > Configuration > Claim Issue Types > Create Claim Issue Type.

Helpful Hints for Customizing QSIs

  • Step

    Helpful Hints

    Adding Queues

    • Create queues based on the teams at your organization. If you are a highly staffed outlet, you may have a specific Appeals department that could have its own queue.

    • See Best Practices for Updating Claim Workflow for what each default queue means.

    • For more information on creating queues, click here. 

    Adding Statuses

    • Create simple and specific statuses for your claims based on where it is in the lifecycle. That way, there is no confusion when it comes to which status is the best one to use.
    • Simple and specific statuses will also ensure your team can notate correctly on the claim.
    • For more information on creating statuses, click here.

    Adding Issues Sources

    • Create issue sources based on the different departments in your organization where issues can arise.
    • Issue sources should be simple to ensure you can easily match them to the different issue types that you have created.
    • For more information on creating issue sources, click here

    Adding Issue Types

    • Create issue types based on the different billing scenarios that delay reimbursement on a claim.
    • Remember, issue types should be simple and specific to ensure team members can quickly determine the most accurate combination for their notes.  
    • See Default Settings below for how the different issue sources relate to the different issue types.
    • For more information on creating issue types, click here

Set Default Account Settings

The Account Settings section instructs the RCM on when and how to apply QSIs automatically based on the current state of the claim in the revenue cycle. These settings can be edited by navigating to Managing Organization Admin > Configuration > Account Settings.

Available Defaults under Account Settings

  • Setting


    Helpful Hints

    Default Claim Queue for First Claim Instance

    Payer Queue

    Assign this to the queue where Billing Collections will look to find claims to follow up on for the first time.

    Default Claim Queue Upon Claim Resubmit

    Payer Queue

    Assign this to the queue where Billing Collections will look to find claims to follow up on after a claim is resubmitted.

    Default Claim Queue Upon EOB Receipt

    Review Queue

    Assign this to the queue where Payment Posters will look to find claims to follow up on after payment is received.

    Default Claim Queue Upon Claim Rejection

    Resubmit Claim Queue

    Assign this to the queue where Billers will look to find claims to correct after they have been rejected.

    Default Claim Queue Upon Payer Hold

    Payer Queue

    Assign this to the queue where Billing Collections will look to find claims to follow up on after a claim was marked as held.

    Default Claim Queue Upon Unbalanced Payment

    Unbalanced Payment Queue

    This queue is automatically created and works in tandem with the Out of Balance Work Center for Payment Poster to review.

    Default Claim Queue Upon Balance Ignore

    Balanced Ignored Queue

    This queue is automatically created and works in tandem with the Out of Balance Work Center for Payment Poster to review.

  • Setting


    Helpful Hints

    Default Claim Status for First Claim Instance

    Payer - Original Claim Processing

    Select a status that tells Billing Collections this is the first time this claim is being followed up. 

    Default Claim Status Upon Claim Resubmit

    Payer - Resubmitted

    Select a status to tell Billing Collections this is the first follow-up after resubmission. This allows them to review the claim notes and ensure the payer processes the correction accurately.

  • Setting


    Helpful Hints

    Days to Follow-Up on Claim Submit for First Instance

    30 Days

    Set a follow-up date default that will allow the payer enough time to process your claim before you follow up for the first time. We recommend between 20-30 days.

    Days to Follow-Up Upon Claim Resubmit

    15 Days

    Set a follow-up date default that will allow the payer enough time to process your resubmitted claim before you follow up.

    Maximum Charge for New Multi-Day Claim ($)


    Set the maximum charge amount a claim can be created within the RCM.

    ICD-10 Requirement Effective Date


    Always set this for 10/1/2015 when ICD-10 became required.

Set Default Issue Types

Tagging resubmissions with issues helps users quickly identify the reason and context behind a resubmission. Refer to the list below of default claim issue types your RCM will be configured with at the time of creation.

  • These issues can be altered by navigating to the Managing Organization Admin > Configuration > Claim Issue Type.




    Demographics Error - Data Entry Address


    Demographics Error - Data Entry Client Name


    Demographics Error - Data Entry Dob


    Demographics Error - Data Entry Gender


    Duplicate Claim


    Incorrect Coding Used - Admit Discharge Date


    Incorrect Coding Used - Bill Type


    Incorrect Coding Used - Cpt/Hcpc Code Used


    Incorrect Coding Used - Rev Code


    Incorrect Diagnosis - Diagnosis Used Invalid


    Incorrect Member ID - Data Entry Error


    Incorrect Payer - Submitted To Medical vs Behavioral


    Incorrect Payer - Submitted To Wrong Payer


    Incorrect Provider - Incorrect Facility


    Original Reference Number Invalid


    Submitted In Error - After Client Discharged


    Submitted In Error - Before Client Admitted 


    Submitted In Error - Not On Census


    Claim Not On File - Electronic


    Claim Not On File - Paper


    Delayed Processing - Paper Claim Processing


    Delayed Processing - Payer Did Not Specify Reason


    Delayed Processing - Payer System Issue


    Medical Records Requested


    Medical Records Under Review


    Paper Claims Not Accepted For Minnesota Address


    Payer Keying Error


    Enrollment Not Completed Prior To Billing


    Provider Address Incorrect At Payer


    Provider Not Registered With Payer


    Tax ID Not On File With Payer


    Auth Keying Error


    Auth Not On File With Payer


    Authorization Incorrect At Payer


    COB Not Completed


    Coverage Terminated


    Maximum Benefits Reached


    No OON Coverage


    Non-Covered Service


    Timely Filing


    All Appeals Exhausted


    Coverage Terminated


    Max Benefits Reached


    No OON Coverage


    Non-Covered Service


    Timely Filing

    • EOB Requested (Payer): Tagging a claim with this issue type lets the user know the reason this claim is still outstanding. The EOB was requested from the payer, and the team is having issues receiving it from the payer in a timely manner.
    • Incorrect Authorization Number: This tag will help identify data entry issues when authorization numbers are being entered into the utilization plans. 
    • Incorrect Electronic Payer Set for Patient: This tag can help identify claims that were initially sent to the incorrect payer. Identifying these types of claims will help identify gaps in the VOB process.
    • Medical Records Under Review: Claims that are tagged with this issue can help identify a waiting period when the payer is reviewing the medical records that were sent in.
    • No OON Coverage: Tagging a claim with this issue will highlight specific questions that the team can start asking during the VOB process. If this issue keeps coming up, the manager will know there are improvements to be made with the VOB calling process.
    • NPI/Tax ID Not Registered with Payer: Tagging claims with this issue will help to identify the claims that aren't able to process because the provider is not on file with the payer. If the credentialing is assigned to a specific individual, they can reprocess all claims with this tag once the credentialing is complete.
      • Recommendation: Use the Issue queue with these claims. A biller will be able to filter by the Issue queue when looking at overdue claims to see the list of claims that need to be resubmitted once the issue is resolved.

Set Payer Rates

Setting Payer Rates helps ensure accurate reimbursement, financial planning, and contract compliance to manage the revenue cycle effectively. By establishing payer rates, an organization can optimize cash flow and reduce the likelihood of payment disputes.

  • Step


    Helpful Hints

    Add Payer Rates

    Practice Admin > Payers > Payer > Payer Rates

    1. Create Payer Rate
    2. Select Service
    3. Select Service Billing Profile
    4. Enter Amount
    5. Enter Contract Status
    6. Enter Effective Date
    7. Enter Review Date
    8. Select Create

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