Box 44 - HCPCS/Rate/HIPPS Code

  • Updated

Box Definition

Box 44 is used to report the appropriate HCPCS codes for ancillary services, the accommodation rate for bills for inpatient services, and the Health Insurance Prospective Payment System rate codes for specific patient groups that are the basis for payment under a PPS(prospective payment system). 


In AveaOffice

The HCPCS/Rate/HIPPS codes are managed in the service billing profile under the Services tab of Practice Admin.

To change the HCPCS/Rate/HIPPS code in Box 44 on the claim form:

  1. Go to Practice Admin > Services.
  2. Click on the service name.
  3. Choose the Billing Profiles tab.
  4. Click on the billing profile name to open the contents.
  5. Select to make a Baseline or Scheduled Change Set edit to the Institutional HCPCS/CPT Code.
  6. Enter the HCPCS/Rate/HIPPS code, then click Save. 



For detailed instructions on how to manage services and profiles in Practice Admin, click on the linked article or video below. 

Create a Service and Set Facility Rates

Manage Services

Scheduled Change Sets


EDI Loop/Segment

Loop 2400, Segment SV2

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