A/R Waterfall Report

  • Updated

The A/R Waterfall Report provides a high-level view of submissions and collections. The data in the report will provide detailed information, broken down by month, quarter, and year and provide insight into how cash flows into your organization. 

Generating the Report

Charges are tracked from the time of submission, also known as month zero, to the time the insurance payment is made. For example, if a claim was billed in January and paid in April, January would be Month 0 and April would be Month 4. Let's review how to generate the A/R Waterfall Report! 

    1. Navigate to the Reporting section.
    2. Under Accounting Reports, select A/R Waterfall Report.
    3. Update the filters to instruct the system how to generate the report.
    4. Select Run Report.
    5. To include data from the last 24 hours, select Refresh Data.
    6. To download the report, select Download.

Available Filters and Definitions

  • The Selected Practices filter allows users to filter search results based on the practice that claims were submitted under.
  • The Age Basis Date filter enables users to customize the report by either using the Submitted Date or the Date of Service. By default, the Age Basis Date is set to the Submitted Date, but it can be updated to the Date of Service in the dropdown.
  • The Start Month and Start Year instruct the system to look for all claims submitted and payments received no earlier than the month and year selected.
  • The End Month and End Year instruct the system to look for all claims submitted and payments received no later than the month and year selected.
  • The Amount Type filter enables a user to customize the report using either Expected vs. Paid or Charged vs Paid by default.

Reviewing the Report

The report provides results filtered by the parameters established and broken down by Monthly Totals, Monthly Summary, Quarterly Summary, and Yearly Summary. An example of the report can be found here. 

  • The Monthly Totals include the sum of all charges submitted for each month, the collections recorded for those charges, and total collection percentage of each month.
  • The Monthly Summary includes the collection and collection percentage total. Examples:
    • Month 0 = Collected in Same Month as Charged.
    • Month 1 = Collected in Next Month of Charged.
    • Month 2 – Collected in Two Months from Charged. etc.
  • The Quarterly Summary includes the collection and collection percentage total. Examples:
    • Month 0 = Collected in Same Month as Charged.
    • Month 1 = Collected in Next Month of Charged.
    • Month 2 – Collected in Two Months from Charged. etc.
  • The Yearly Summary includes the collection and collection percentage total. Examples:
    • Month 0 = Collected in Same Month as Charged.
    • Month 1 = Collected in Next Month of Charged.
    • Month 2 – Collected in Two Months from Charged. etc.

Voided Claims and Payments.

If a claim is voided within the same month it was submitted, any charges associated with the claim will not be included in any of the summaries. If a payment is issued after the claim has been voided, the payment will not be calculated in any of the summaries. Payments for voided claims will be routed to the Payments in Review of the Work Center to allow for manual matching. 

Helpful Hints

  • Use this report once a month to establish an approximate timeframe between claim submission and payments received for the organization.
  • Use this report in conjunction with the Claim Submission report to determine when the organization can anticipate to be paid and the expected amount. 

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