Exceptions to the Closing Date Report

  • Updated

Once a period is closed, users are not able to record and submit treatments or post payments for any activities that occurred during that closed period. If any changes or adjustments need to be made to a closed period, it is necessary to first reopen the period. The Exceptions to the Closing Date Report provides an audit history of the Period Closed feature, allowing organizations to review any changes made. This report provides valuable insight into the history of closed periods.

Generating the Report

Let's review how to generate the Exceptions to the Closing Date Report!

    1. Navigate to the Reporting Section.
    2. Under Accounting Reports, select Exceptions to the Closing Date Report.

    3. To exclude certain practices from the report, update the Selected Practices field.
    4. Next, update the Period.
    5. Select Run Report to generate the results.
    6. Select Download to convert the report into a downloadable, .csv Excel document.

    7. Finally, select Refresh Data to include changes made within the last 24 hours.

Reviewing the Report

The Exceptions to the Closing Date Report generates a table that provides insight as to who re-opened/closed a period and what changes were made in that duration.

Column Names and Definitions 

Column Name Definition
Organization This is the name of the organization that enabled the Period Close feature. 
Action Date This indicates the day the Action was taken. 
User This is the name of the User making the changes.
Action This identifies the exact change that was made e.g. Period Closed, Period Re-Opened, etc. 
Patient This indicates the first and last name of any patient who was affected. 
Link This provides a link to the patient's profile.
Created Date If new claims or payments are created, this indicates the creation date.
Post Date If new payments have been created, this indicates the date the payment was posted to the system. 
Amount If a new payment was created and posted, this indicates the payment amount.
Details This provides details of the action taken by the user e.g. Period 03/01/2024 - 03/31/2024 closed by user Jane.Doe@gmail.com

Helpful Hints

This report can be used to reconcile accounts receivable for the previous period when approved changes were made.

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