How to Create Report Templates

  • Updated

Users can create Report Templates to save filters and display preferences easily. This feature enables the generation of consistent reports over time, aiding organizations in making accurate and reliable projections.

Creating Report Templates

Let's review how to create Report Templates! 

    1. Navigate to the Reporting section.
    2. Select the report you wish to generate. 
    3. Next, update the report parameters. Please note these parameters will vary by report.
    4. Once you have made your selections, locate the Disk icon.

    5. Name the report template.
    6. Finally, select Submit to save the template.

    Note: Start Dates and End Dates will not be saved within a template

Managing Existing Templates

Let's review how to manage existing templates!

    1. Navigate to the Reporting section.
    2. Select the report you wish to generate.
    3. Locate the Report Template dropdown in the upper-left corner of the screen.
    4. Select the name of the template you would like to alter.
    5. Make the desired changes to the template parameters.
    6. Click on the Two Arrows icon.
    7. Select Submit to save the template. 
    1. Navigate to the Reporting section.
    2. Select the report you wish to generate.
    3. Locate the Report Template dropdown in the upper-left corner of the screen.
    4. Select the name of the template you would like to alter.
    5. After you have made the desired updates, click on the Disk icon.
    6. Name the new template and select Submit.
    1. Navigate to the Reporting section.
    2. Select the report you wish to generate.
    3. Locate the Report Template dropdown in the upper-left corner of the screen.
    4. Select the name of the template you would like to clone.
    5. Click on the Clone icon.
    6. Update the Organization to create the same template for a different organization within a managing organization.
    7. Name the cloned template.
    8. Click on Submit to clone the template.
    1. Navigate to the Reporting section.
    2. Select the report you wish to generate.
    3. Locate the Report Template dropdown in the upper-left corner of the screen.
    4. Click on the Trash Can icon.
    5. Select Submit to finish deleting the template.

Helpful Hints

Managing Organizations with more than one Organization can use the clone feature to create the same template across all organizations from a single location. 

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