U/R Report

  • Updated

The U/R Report enables users to visualize total and average authorizations and trends (by payer, location, service, and level of care) in order to optimize revenue through data-driven decisions regarding admissions, staffing, and processes.

Generating the Report

Let's review how to create the U/R Report

      1. Navigate to the Reporting section.
      2. Under Utilization Management Reports, select U/R Report.

      3. Update the filters to instruct the system on how to generate the report.
      4. Select Run Report.
      5. To download the report, select Download.

      6. To include data from the last 24 hours, select Refresh Data.

Available Filters and Definitions

  • The Selected Practices filter allows users to filter search results based on the practice that claims were submitted under.
  • The Authorization Status filter allows users to include or omit certain plans based on their status within the date range set.  Users can further customize the report by selecting multiple statuses at one time. These options include:
    • All
    • Authorized
    • Denied
    • Not Required
    • Pending
    • Required-Not Obtained
  • The Date Type is used as a qualifier that instructs the system which plans should be in the report.
    • U/R Plan Start Date (default) will show all U/R Plans with a start date within the selected date range
    • U/R Plan End Date will show all U/R Plans with an end date within the selected date range
    • Patient Discharge Date will show all U/R Plans for patients with a discharge date within the selected date range
    • Anticipated Discharge Date will show all U/R Plans for patients with an anticipated discharge date noted in their profile within the selected date range.
  •  The Start Date and End Date establish a timeframe for the system to locate and include plans based on the Date Type and Status

  • The Show Discharged filter instructs the system to include any patient with a plan that qualifies but has since been discharged.
  • The Include Prospective Auths filter instructs the system to include any patients with a plan that qualifies but has not been admitted. 

Viewing the Report

The U/R Report produces a table in which each row represents a U/R plan with a start and end date within the specified time frame. To view an example of this report, click here

Columns and Definitions

Column Name Where to Edit
Patient Name Patient > Profile
Patient ID Patient > Profile
MRN Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Admit/Discharge
Payer Name and Home Plan. Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Insurance > Insurance Set
Insurance ID Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Insurance > Insurance Set > Policy Holder
Admit Date Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Admit/Discharge
Discharge Date, Discharge Status, Anticipated Discharge Date.  Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Admit/Discharge
Plan Type, Service, Service Billing Profile. Patient > Treatment Episode > Scheduling and Utilization > U/R
Authorization Start Date and Authorization End Date. Patient > Treatment Episode > Scheduling and Utilization > U/R
Units, Authorization Status, Authorization Number. Patient > Treatment Episode > Scheduling and Utilization > U/R
Case Manager and Insurance Case Manager. Patient > Treatment Episode > Scheduling and Utilization > U/R
Billed (#) Units and Remaining Units Patient > Treatment Episode > Scheduling and Utilization > U/R
Rendering Provider and Follow-up Date Patient > Treatment Episode > Scheduling and Utilization > U/R
Practice Patient > Profile
Facility Patient > Treatment Episode > Scheduling and Utilization > U/R

FAQ and Helpful Hints

Let's review some facts and questions about the U/R Report!

  • The plan information is the same in the U/R Work Center and the U/R Report, except the U/R report will include all U/R plans within a given timeframe versus currently active plans in the U/R Work Center. Users may wish to download the report to analyze the U/R data or print the report to send to management or investors. 
  • Some of the more common use cases are listed below:

    • Determining how many days and units each team member is getting authorized
    • Determining how payers are authorizing services and lengths of stays for reimbursement and revenue potential forecasting.
    • Determining which payers to focus on during patient intake

Helpful Hints

  • Use Pivot Tables:  If you're downloading the report to Excel, consider using Pivot Tables to arrange data easily with your U/R report and open the CSV file in Excel. Here's how: Create Pivot Tables To Analyze Data
  • Status Checks: Run weekly and monthly for status checks. Data can be pivoted for Case Manager LOC and Payer Performance. 
  • Refining your Search: Search by patient name to filter the report without having to download it to Excel.

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