Manage Patient Statements

  • Updated

Patient Statements can provide a holistic view of the Patient account which can make it easier for a Patient to understand. Managing Patient Statements and any open-balance is a critical part of completing the revenue cycle. 

Within the Work Center

Managing Patient Statements within the Work Center allows a user to create new statements and update existing ones on both an individual and group level.

  1. Navigate to the Work Center > Patient Billing > Work Statements screen.
  2. Since the system will only look for Patient's with open balances, update the dropdowns to customize how the results display.
  3. After you have updated any applicable dropdowns, select Update to display the results.
  4. Tip: You can select the Save Template As before Update to create templates for different views.

Columns Displayed

Column Name Definition  Where to Edit 
Statement ID This field provides a hyperlink to the most recent details of the Patient Statement as well as the 8-digit unique ID assigned upon creation.  This field cannot be edited. 
Patient  This field provides a hyperlink to the Statements subtab within the Patient Billing section of the Patient's profile.  Patient > Profile
Patient Due This field displays the Patient's open-balance. The open-balance is calculated using the Patient Responsibility - (Provider Adjustments + Patient Payments) = Patient Amount Due.  Patient > Patient Billing > Payments

Follow-Up This is the date of the next scheduled Follow-up date of the statement.  Work Center > Patient Billing > Work Statements 

Patient > Patient Billing > Statements
Assigned To This is the user the statement is assigned to for working. Work Center > Patient Billing > Work Statements 

Patient > Patient Billing > Statements
Payment Plan This field will indicate whether an active Payment Plan exists with a Yes or No.  Patient > Patient Billing > Collect Payment
Last Payment Date and Amount. This field will indicate the date of the last recorded payment. Patient > Patient Billing > Payments
Next Payment Date and Amount. This field will only display the scheduled Next Payment Date as well as Amount when there is a Payment Plan in place.  Patient > Patient Billing > Collect Payment
Past Due This field will indicate the number of days the balance has remained unpaid past the the due date.  Organization Admin > Configuration > Patient Billing

Available Tasks

Managing Patient Statements within the Work Center allows a user complete several available tasks on both an individual level as well as a group level.  

  • Generate Organization Statements Now allows a user to generate one or more statements.
  • Print Statments can be used to print one or more statements to directly at the facility.
  • Bulk Update Workflow/Notes allows a user to update the Workflow, Assigned User, and/or Follow-Up Date for one or more statements.

Within the Patient Profile

Managing Patient Statements within the Patient Profile allows a user to create new and manage existing Statments on an individual level. This can be achieved by navigating to  Patient > Patient Billing > Statements. 

Patient Collection Status

The Patient's Collection Status allows a user to label a patient's account and its current status. This is a manual field and will not being visible on the Statement itself. 


The Workflow section allows a user to manually set or edit the Follow-up Date as well as Assign statements to designated users. The Notes section allows a user to document any additional pertinent information.


The Totals section provides an overview of where the patient account started and its current state. 

  • Patient Charges: This is the sum of the charges on any open Patient Billables.
  • Patient Paid: This is the sum of all payments made my the patient, regardless of the payment method.
  • Provider Adjusted: This is the sum of all adjustments made by a provider to reduce the overall Patient balance.
  • Patient Balance: This current amount owed by the Patient. This information is calculated using the Charges - (Patient Payments + Provider Adjustments) = Patient Balance. 

Statement History

This section allows a user to view any current and previously statements that have not yet been archived. Selecting the Statement ID will allow you to view the details the statement was generated with.

Archived Statements

This section allows a user to view previously active statements. Statements can be archived manually within the Statement History or automatically based on the Statement configurations set in the Organization Admin.

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