NDC Codes

  • Updated

What is an NDC code?

  • The NDC of a drug refers to the National Drug Code used by the FDA.
  • Each code contains information about the state of each drug and if its a compounded formula. 

How to include the NDC on Insurance Claims

Let's review how to configure the NDC code on Insurance Claims!

  1. Navigate to the Practice Admin > Services and select the Service you wish to update.
  2. Within the Service Profile, select the Billing Profiles tab and select the appropriate Billing Profile.

  3. In the Service Billing Profile, select Create Scheduled Change Set to include the NDC based on the Date of Service; Select the Effective Date then Save.
  4. Next to the Effective Date, locate the Pencil Icon to open the Service Billing Profile and scroll to the bottom to toggle-on Uses NDC Code to generate the NDC fields.
  5. After the NDC fields have been updated, select Save; follow the Correction process if corrections are required. 
  • Note: Updating the NDC at the Baseline will generate Corrections for all claims, regardless of Date of Service

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