Delete Services and Billing Profiles

  • Updated

You can delete Services and Service Billing Profiles that are not being used or referenced. 

Required Permissions: Users must be a Practice Admin, Organization Admin, or Managing Organization Admin to delete Services and Service Billing Profiles. 

Delete a Billing Profile

You can delete a Billing Profile added to a Service if it meets the following criteria:

  •  The Billing Profile is not referenced at the Facility level.
  • The Billing Profile is not being used on a Utilization Plan. 
  • The Billing Profile is not being used on a Claim.

How to Delete a Billing Profile

  1. Navigate to Practice Admin and open the Services tab.
  2. Click on the Service with the Billing Profile you'd like to delete.
  3. Open the Billing Profiles tab and click Delete.
  4. Click DELETE.
  5. Don't see the Delete button? That means the profile is referenced at the facility, tied to a utilization plan, or used on a claim and cannot be deleted. 

Delete a Service

You can delete a Service only if it does not have a Billing Profile tied to it. 

How to Delete a Service

  1. Navigate to Practice Admin and open the Services tab.
  2. Locate the Service and click Delete.
  3. Don't see the Delete button? That means the Service has a Billing Profile tied to it. All billing profiles must be deleted before the service can be deleted. 

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