Non-Medical Service Configuration

  • Updated

Services that can be billed to insurance payers are classified as Medical/Behavioral. Services that are billed directly to the patient instead of the insurance are set up as Non-Medical. Examples of non-medical services include fees associated with housing or amenities while the patient is in treatment.

Identifying Non-Medical Services

Navigate to Practice Admin > Services. Non-medical services will be listed as Non-Medical under the Billing Classification column.

Create a Non-Medical Service

Let's review the process for creating non-medical services. 

  1. Navigate to Practice Admin and open the Services tab.
  2. Click Create Service.
    • Update Billing Classification to Non-Medical.
    • Name the service. This is what users will see when selecting a service to add to the Attendance Calendar. 
    • Add a Service Description for the patient statement. The Service Description on Patient Statements is printed on Statements when these charges are billed. Choose a service name that patients will recognize when they see it on their statement. The two names are not required to be different.
    • Select the appropriate Level of Care.
    • Click Create. Once a service is created, the billing classification cannot be changed.
  3. To finish service configuration, a rate must be assigned and referenced to the desired facilities.
  4. From Practice Admin, open the Facilities tab. This tab shows all the facilities within the selected practice.
  5. Choose the facility where the service will be rendered and open the Facility Services tab. This is where rates are set for all services rendered at the selected facility.
  6. Click Add Service Reference.
  7. Select the associated service from the drop-down menu. If the treatment is set up as Non-Medical (ineligible for insurance billing), it will appear with [Non-clinical] next to the name.
  8. Next, set the Patient Billing Unit Rate and click Add.
  9. Variable Charges: If a non-medical service has variable charges, set the Patient Billing Unit Rate to $1.00. This allows the Service Rate entered at the patient level to override the rack rate set here. The facility-level rack rate can only be overridden if it is less than the rate set in the patient’s Scheduling and Utilization tab. For more information, please see our article on Service Rates.

Edit Service

If changes need to be made to a service, click on the service name from the Services in Practice Admin.

Choose to edit the Baseline or add a Scheduled Change Set, if changes should only be active from a specific date. This allows users to update the names or active status of a service.

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