Set Patient to Private Pay

  • Updated

Use the following steps to set the patient to private pay.

  1. Navigate to Patients and click on the Patient Name.mceclip0.png
  2. Click on the Intake Quick Link for the treatment episode (this automatically navigates you to the Treatment Episode > Intake tab).  
  3. Open the Insurance tab, then click Set to Private Paymceclip2.png
  4. Add the Effective Date, then click Create.
  5. This creates a Private Pay set for the patient from the effective date forward. mceclip4.png
  6. If the patient acquires insurance, you can add a Termination Date and then create an insurance set for the patient. 

Attendance Calendar

The Attendance Calendar lists the patient as private pay. mceclip5.png

If the patient was insured and was switched to Private Pay midweek, you'll see both sets listed. mceclip6.png

Note: In a midweek loss of coverage scenario, users will still be allowed to submit insurance treatments for Private Pay dates, however, the validation in the Create New Claims window will prevent those claims from being submitted to the previous insurance. 

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