Box 67a-q - ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes

Box Definition

Box 67a-q is for reporting all diagnosis codes in addition to the principal diagnosis that coexist, develop after admission, or impact the treatment of the patient or the length of stay. The ICD-10 completed to its fullest character must be used.

The present on admission (POA) indicator applies to diagnosis codes (e.g., principal, secondary, and E-codes) for inpatient claims to general acute-care hospitals or other facilities, as required by law or regulation for public health reporting. It is the eighth digit attached to the corresponding diagnosis code.



In AveaOffice

The ICD-10 Diagnosis Code (DX) is stored in the Intake > Behavioral Service Diagnoses or Standalone Service Diagnoses tab for each treatment episode, depending on the type of service.

  • UR-Required Services: Behavioral Service Diagnoses
  • Standalone Services: Standalone Service Diagnoses

To add an ICD-10 diagnosis code to the claim for a UR-Required Service:

  1. Navigate to Intake > Behavioral Service Diagnoses.
  2. Click Set for the Principal or Other codes.
  3. Find or enter the necessary diagnosis code. 
  4. Click Set Code.

To add an ICD-10 diagnosis code to the claim for a Standalone Service:

  1. Navigate to Attendance. 
  2. Select the week for the date of service.
  3. Click the lock icon to unsubmit the treatment. 
  4. Click the edit icon to edit the treatment.
  5. Click Add New ICD10 Diagnosis
  6. Select or enter the necessary diagnoses code. 
  7. Click Save.


EDI Loop

Loop 2300, Segment HI


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