Standardized Levels of Care

  • Updated

Levels of Care in Avea are standardized across the system and cannot be modified. Standardizing Levels of Care allows for more in-depth reporting across organizations and provides a simplified approach to benchmarking metrics that can be key to maximizing insurance payments. To benefit from these future reports, please associate each service with a level of care.

Available Levels of Care

Avea manages the levels of care list that can be selected when the service is created. Currently, the list includes the following:

  • Ancillary
  • DTX
  • Inpatient
  • IOP
  • Other
  • Outpatient
  • PHP
  • RTC

Associating Levels of Care

For a new service, select the Level of Care from the drop-down upon when creating the service. mceclip0.png

When editing an existing service:

  1. Locate the service under Practice Admin > Services.
  2. Open the Service and click the Baseline Edit icon.mceclip1.png
  3. Select the Level of Care.
  4. Click Save.

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