Box 33 - Billing Provider Info and Ph#

  • Updated

Box Number

Box 33 shows the billing provider's name, address, and phone number.


In AveaOffice

To change the billing provider information on a claim form:

  1. Navigate to Practice Admin > Configuration > Insurance Billing. Practice Admin Insurance Billing.png
  2. Click to Create Scheduled Change Set or edit the baseline.
  3. Edit the Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, or Phone fields.
    Insurance Billing Provider Info.png
  4. Click Save.

EDI Loop/Segment

Loop 2000AA, Segment NM103 (Last Name or Organization Name), NM104 (First Name), NM105 (Middle Name/Initial), NM107 (Suffix), N301 (Street Address), N302 (Street Address 2), N401 (City), N402 (State), N403 (ZIP Code), PER04 (Phone Number).

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