Box 31 - Signature of Physician or Supplier Including Degrees or Credentials

Box Definition

Box 31 on the CMS-1500 indicates that the rendering provider has authorized the information on the claim form is correct. Enter "Signature on File," "SOF," or use the actual signature of the provider, including the credentials. The date the claim is created is the date used in this field.



In AveaOffice

For U/R-Required Services: 

  1. Navigate to Patient > Scheduling and Utilization.
  2. Edit the U/R plan that covers the dates of service on the claim.
  3. Select the rendering provider.

For Standalone Services:

  1. Navigate to the Attendance Calendar. 
  2. Find the dates of service to edit. 
  3. Click the lock icon to unsubmit the treatment. 
  4. Click the pencil icon to edit the treatment.
  5. Select the rendering provider.


EDI Loop/Segment

Loop 2300, Segment CLM06

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