Patient Demographics Report

  • Updated

The Patient Demographics Report is a quick way to access a list of patients, along with their addresses and phone numbers, for administrative tasks such as mailings, patient outreach, and record reconciliation.

Generating the Report

Let's review how to create the Patient Demographics report! 

      1. Navigate to the Reporting section.
      2. Under Attendance Reports, select Patient Demographics Report.
      3. Update the filters to instruct the system on how to generate the report.
      4. Select Run Report.
      5. To download the report, select Download.

      6. To include data from the last 24 hours, select Refresh Data.

Available Filters and Definitions

  • The Selected Practices filter allows users to filter search results based on the practice that claims were submitted under.
  • The Date Type controls what data is provided within the Start Date and End Date.
    • Active: This will include all patients who are actively receiving treatment.
    • Admitted: This will include all patients who were admitted during the start/end date. 
    • Discharged: This will include all patients who were discharged during the start/end date.
  • The report will pull all claims within the Start Date and End Date range. The date range is controlled by the Date Type.

  • Selecting Include Prospective Patients will instruct the system to include patients who have not yet been admitted.
  • Selecting Include Archived Patients will instruct the system to include patients who have been discharged and archived. This option is not available when Date Type is set to Active. 

Viewing the Report

The Patient Demographics Report generates a table where each row represents a patient admitted with a treatment episode within the specified time frame. Please note that this report is only available at the Organization level. To view an example of this report, click here.

Columns and Definitions

Row Name Definition Where to Edit
Patient ID This is the Patient ID.  Patient > Profile
MRN This is the Medical Record Number. Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Patient Profile
Name and Suffix This includes the First and Last name, the Middle Initial, and Suffix when applicable.  Patient > Profile
Gender This is the patient's gender.  Patient > Profile
Date of Birth This is the patient's date of birth.   Patient > Profile
Social Security Number This is the patient's social security number.  Patient > Profile
Address and Phone Number This is the patient's home address and phone number.  Patient > Treatment Episodes > Intake > Patient Profile
Email Address This is the patient's email.  Patient > Profile
Episode Status This indicates if the patient is still active or discharged.  Patient > Treatment Episodes
Admit Date/Time This indicates the patient's date and time of admission.  Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Admit/Discharge
Discharge Date/Time This indicates the patient's date and time of discharge.  Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Admit/Discharge
Discharge Status This indicates the patient's status at the time of discharge. Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Admit/Discharge
Admitting Diagnosis This indicates the patient's diagnosis at the time of admission.  Patient > Treatment Episodes > Intake > Behavioral Service Diagnoses
Practice This indicates the practice the patient's treatment episode is associated with.  Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Admit/Discharge
A/R Class This indicates whether a patient has insurance only, private pay only, or both.  Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Admit/Discharge
Primary Home Plan Payer This indicates who the Home Plan payer in a primary carveout.  Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Insurance > Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary Medical Payer This indicates who the Medical payer in a primary carveout.  Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Insurance > Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary Behavioral Payer This indicates who the Behavioral Payer is in a primary carveout. Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Insurance > Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary Behavioral Plan This indicates if there is a plan associated with the Behavioral Payer.  Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Insurance > Primary/Secondary/Tertiary > Policy Holder
Benefit Assignment This is where the payer will direct the claim payment to. Patient > Treatment Episode > Intake > Insurance > Primary/Secondary/Tertiary > Policy Holder

Helpful Hints

  • Mass Mailers: If you're sending Patient Statements or other mass mailers, consider using Mail Merge to print labels or envelopes easily with your Patient Demographics report. Simple open the CSV file in Excel. Here's how: Mail Merge using an Excel Spreadsheet
  • Insight-based Demographics: Use tools in excel, such as VLOOKUP, to combine patient demographics (vlookup on Patient ID) with other exports from AveaOffice so you can create graphs and visuals giving you key insights into your practice such as Revenue by State or by Age Range. 
  • Refining Results: Search by first name, middle name, or last name to filter the report without having to download to excel.
  • EMR Verification: Use this report to compare the quality of the patient demographic information between the EMR and Avea. 

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