How to Promote/Demote User Profiles

User permissions and system access level are determined by the user type and individual permissions within their user profiles. User Profiles can be created at the Organization or Managing Organization Admin levels. 

Users can be promoted to the Managing Organization level or demoted to the Organization level. Moving users between these levels allows you to control access as needed.

How to Promote Organization Users

If a user needs additional visibility into the system to perform their job function, you can promote the user to a Managing Organization user type.

  1. Navigate to Organization Admin > Users.
  2. Click Promote to Managing Organization User.
  3. The system will then prompt you to select the Managing Organization and User Type you the existing profile should be converted to. z
  4. Click Proceed. 

How to Demote Managing Organization Users

To restrict the user's access, you can demote the user from the Managing Organization to the Organization level.

  1. Navigate to Managing Organization Admin > Users.
  2. Select Demote to Managing Organization User.
  3. The system will then prompt you to select the Organization and User Type the existing profile should be converted to.
  4. Click Demote.




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